Blog Articles
Paul’s aim in life is to help as many people as possible, reach their full potential and achieve their goals. He hopes some of the articles below may help YOU achieve yours. Why?
Zig Ziglar said it best:
“If you help enough people get what they want, you can have everything that you want.”

The Day ‘The Teazers’ Turned Down Supporting ‘The Jam’! (Part 1)
The Day ‘The Teazers’ Turned Down Supporting ‘The Jam’! (Part 1)…
On January 2nd 1982, a Mod Band from Bury St Edmunds turned down supporting the Jam at Leicester, De Montfort Hall. However, sharing this story some 41 years later, has led to an incredible turn of events. This story shows that you should NEVER Negotiate with YOUR Dream! Just keep going until…

Leadership Advice - Developing Your Charisma
As leaders, at the start of every week, we should look forward to seeking new ways to value people. A good way to value people can be by developing your charisma…

How to be productive during a Global Crisis
In March 2020, the world entered into a crisis which can only be described as un-precedented in most living people’s experience. COVID-19 sent the world into a panic, and hundreds of thousands of people around the world lost their lives. As we went into lockdown here in the United Kingdom, I made the conscious decision to use my time productively to help as many people as I could but first I realised that I needed more skills to deal with the problems put in front of me. It wasn’t going to be an easy task, I just needed some coaching, assistance and help to hone my skills developed over 35 years in business and community service to become better than I was.

Start YOUR Personal Development Library TODAY!
When I was introduced to the personal development and personal wellness industry at age 24, my mentor Jim Rohn told me to get a library started. Now I have never been a great reader, but I listened to and trusted every word he said, after all he was one of the most influential people I had ever met. He said to me:
“Any home over $250,000 has a library started. Why do you think that is? Wouldn’t that make you curious? Does it tell you something? Does it educate you at all?” - Jim Rohn

Changing YOUR Mental Attitude in a Crisis
It’s a well-known fact that MOST people struggle when they are faced with a crisis, and let’s not beat about the bush, the current world coronavirus pandemic is a crisis. But it is also a well-known fact that a small number of people in the world THRIVE when faced with the very SAME crisis. Now what’s the difference between these people?
My mentor Jim Rohn always said to me:
“It’s not what happens in the world that determines the major part of your future. What happens, happens to us all. The key is what you do about it.” - Jim Rohn
What Others Are Saying About Paul…
“Paul Hopfensperger thank you for sharing your story. You have CONSIDERABLE knowledge and life experience that many can gain value from 👊👊😎”
— Larry Thompson
Herbalife International of America, Inc., Executive Vice President of Sales (1981 - 1991 ) and International Best Selling Author - “The Millionaire Training”.
Photo signed by Larry, taken with Paul in Chicago on July 25, 1987.