About Paul Hopfensperger
During a successful career as a Mechanical and Computer Software Engineer, Paul became an Herbalife Independent Distributor in 1987 and was introduced to the Personal Wellness and Personal Development industries by Herbalife founder Mark Hughes, the “Billion Dollar Man” - Larry Thompson and America’s foremost business philosopher - Jim Rohn.
During his youth he was an English national standard competitive swimmer representing his home town of Bury St Edmunds and also a Suffolk County swimmer. In his late teens and continuing throughout his life he has studied various forms of martial arts including Karate, Kuk Sool Won, Thai Chi and Qi Gong.
In 2007 he achieved one of his lifelong goals by becoming only the 873rd person in history to swim The English Channel. The swim was filmed and included in the Discovery Channel documentary “Human Body - Pushing The Limits” - Episode 2 | Strength which was nominated for an Emmy Award at the 2008 - 60th Anniversary Emmy Awards. In 2008 he swum the channel again becoming only the 84th person in history to swim it twice. In the same year, he became the oldest known person to represent Great Britain at Open Water Swimming when he competed in two FINA World Cup Open Water Grand Prix swims in Serbia and Mexico respectively. Then in 2010, he completed his third crossing of the English Channel as part of a six person international relay team.
In 2008 he and his wife Beccy started Body and Mind Studio International Ltd, providing personalised Naturopathic Nutrition advice and coaching, as well as Motivational Speaking based on setting and achieving your goals.
Paul is the CEO of Body and Mind Studio International Ltd, a Naturopathic Health Coach, a Master of Dr. Peter D’Adamo’s Institute of Human Individuality, and a Certified Maxwell Leadership Team Member.
During the 2020-2021 global COVID pandemic, Paul spent some of his time working with Kyle Wilson, his mentor Jim Rohn’s 18 year business partner. With Kyle and other renowned thought leaders from around the world, he co-authored a book called “Bringing Value, Solving Problems and Leaving a Legacy” which became an International #1 Amazon Bestseller in 28 categories around the world. On September 24, 2021, working with Internationally renowned presenter, producer and publisher Roy Smoothe, Paul became an International #1 Amazon Bestselling Music Artist in five categories. Paul is currently working on a solo book 🌊 “Just Keep Swimming Until You Get To France!™” 🏊‍♂️ about his lifelong journey leading up to completing his first English Channel Swim on July 10, 2007.
Since his early childhood, Paul has tried to help others less fortunate that him and philanthropy is now part of his DNA. He believes that the secret to living is giving and has raised tens of thousands of pounds for charity over the years. From swimming to France, living and trekking on the Great Wall of China with torn ankle ligaments, performing a Fire Walk to name but a few things, Paul aims to help as many people as he possibly can. His current charities are St. Nicholas’ Hospice Care in Bury St Edmunds and the Herbalife Nutrition Foundation (HNF - Casa Herbalife) -a global non-profit foundation dedicated to improving the lives of children around the world by helping provide access to good nutrition. On Herbalife sale he makes, a donation is made to the HNF.
Paul’s mission in life is to pass on his experience and knowledge to as many people as possible, across the world to enable them achieve their personal wellness and business/sporting goals.
What Others Are Saying About Paul…
FANTASTIC speaker…
“Paul is a FANTASTIC speaker. I had the pleasure of hearing him speak to Sean G Murphy’s morning program. He is amazingly inspirational with his stories and lessons from swimming the English Channel 3 times!!
He knows about setting goals and visualizing them until the goal is accomplished. I took 4 pages of notes!
Thank you Paul!”
Speaker, Certified Ron White Black Belt Memory Trainer and Toastmaster.
Another Level...
“Paul really brought me another level of perspective. I had the pleasure of listening to some of his stories which really shed a lot of light on me. Him talking about his experiences is of great value and definitely the result of deep mind work. Power of the mind, discipline and focus, which were just one of the many takeaways I had from talking with Paul. In a relatively short period of time Paul created for me a whole new way of thinking about my goals and how to win the inner mind battle in order to accomplish them!”
Thank you for all the knowledge…
“I was in Sean G Murphy’s call today listening to your story! I wanna say thank you for all the knowledge that you shared and your powerful story!
It gave me a lot of inspiration and key points to share with others, so again thank you so much!”
Get into this man’s energy…
“We just need the slightest of confirmation we are winning. Paul shared a moving story of what it takes to live a committed life and to step into the unknown. I encourage you to get into this man’s energy, he will inspire you, motivate you, touch your heart, and make you shed a tear along the way. Your mess is proof of your existence, and if you have a heartbeat you have a purpose.”